Red wine, fruits, etc. to help prevent diabetes Home News Industry News
Red wine, fruits, etc. to help prevent diabetes

Fruits, nuts and red wine are healthy food. Canada, a new study found that the powerful antioxidant resveratrol in the fruits, nuts and red wine can help prevent diabetes and other illnesses can lead to metabolic syndrome. Infancy is a good opportunity for intervention and prevention of future diabetes and other metabolic diseases. The study first fruits, nuts and red wine are healthy food. Canada, a new study found that the powerful antioxidant resveratrol in the fruits, nuts and red wine can help prevent diabetes and other illnesses can lead to metabolic syndrome.

Infancy is a good opportunity for intervention and prevention of future diabetes and other metabolic diseases. The study showed that for the first time that resveratrol drug treatment of prenatal and infancy contribute to diabetes and other metabolic diseases killed in the cradle. The experts said the new research for diabetes and other disease prevention and treatment to bring a new dawn.

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Exhibition: FIC 2023
Place: Shanghai, China
Time: 15 – 17 March, 2023
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